constant electric field

constant electric fieldconstant electric field
  1. In a constant electric field , a charged particle experiences constant acceleration .


  2. A study on the Proportion of Similar Materials Mixture for Simulating Constant Electric field Feature in Failure of Overlying Strata


  3. Twelve kinds of soils ' potassium desorption was investigated under a constant electric field ( 44.4V / cm ) .


  4. The exact solution of Dirac equation under a constant uniform electric field and the electron positron pair creation rate in vacuum


  5. Ion mobility spectrometry is an instrument for analyzing the composition by recording arrival times of different ions under a constant uniform electric field .


  6. First , the propagation and mode field property of such fiber is calculated , including propagation constant , electric field distribution , bending loss , dispersion and non-linear properties .


  7. This method provides a fast and accurate solution of electro-magnetic wave propagated in magneto-optic rib waveguide , the propagation constant and the electric field distribution of rib waveguide cross-section were obtained .


  8. Non-linear dielectrics are the insulating dielectrics whose electric conductivity or / and relative dielectric constant change with electric field , have been extensively applied in complex insulation structure due to the functions of grading the electric field .


  9. The electric field distribution in the hole of honeycomb has been finished by finite element method . The influence of the shape of hole and dielectric constant of material on electric field distribution has been analyzed .
